
New Physics Slides

 KS4 Electricty - The Uses of Electromagnetism.ppt


 7I Energy resources.ppt


 7J Electrical Circuits.ppt


 7K Forces and their Effects.ppt


 7L Solar System and Beyond.ppt


 8I Heating and Cooling.ppt


 8J Magnets and Electromagnets.ppt


 8K Light.ppt


 8L Sound and Hearing.ppt


 9I Energy and electricity.ppt


 9J Gravity and space.ppt


 9K Speeding up.ppt


 9L Pressure and moments.ppt


 balanced forces ppt.ppt


 basic electricity.ppt


 basic electricity2.ppt


 basic electronics.ppt


 Determining the number of wavelengths in a wave...


 Determining wave frequency from a graph.ppt


 Edison's bright idea.ppt


 electric circuits.ppt


 Electric Motor.ppt


 Electricity Practical.ppt


 Electromagnetism + bell.ppt


 emission spectra (1).ppt


 emission spectra.ppt


 energy matters.ppt


 Energy transfer.ppt




 Fission and Fusion.ppt


 Force Diagrams.ppt


 forces introduction.ppt






 Gas pressure & volume.ppt


 Gravity and Circular Motion Revision.ppt




 How Lightening Works.ppt




 Ionising Radiation and Living Things.ppt


 KS4 Earth and Beyond.ppt


 KS4 Electricity Simple Circuits.ppt


 KS4 Electricty - Electromagnetism.ppt


 KS4 Electricty - Electronic systems.ppt


 KS4 Electricty - Mains Electricity.ppt


 KS4 Electricty - Resistance, Power and Energy.ppt


 KS4 Electricty - Static electricity.ppt


 KS4 Energy and Particles.ppt


 KS4 Energy in the home.ppt


 KS4 Energy resources.ppt


 Spherical mirrors.ppt


 KS4 Energy transfers.ppt


 KS4 Forces.ppt


 KS4 Further Forces.ppt


 KS4 Heat transfer.ppt


 KS4 Radioactive Decay.ppt


 KS4 Radioactivity.ppt


 KS4 Renewable energy.ppt


 KS4 Speed and Acceleration.ppt


 KS4 Structure of the Earth.ppt


 KS4 Types of Energy.ppt


 KS4 Wave character.ppt


 KS4 Waves - Diffraction, Interference and Reson...


 KS4 Waves - Dispersion and EM radiation.ppt


 KS4 Waves - Reflection.ppt


 KS4 Waves - Refraction.ppt


 KS4 Waves - Sound.ppt


 KS4 Waves TIR - Communication.ppt


 LED Presentation.ppt




 Light refraction and lenses.ppt






 Mass Force and Gravity.ppt


 matter and the particle model ppt.ppt


 Medical Uses of Ionising Radiation.ppt




 Movement of heat.ppt




 Nuclear Reactions Answers.ppt


 Nuclear Reactions Questions.ppt


 Particle model conduction.ppt


 Power and measuring it.ppt


 Power Stations.ppt


 pressure and moments.ppt




 projectile motion.ppt


 Properties of Waves.ppt


 Quantum general.ppt


 Radioactive Decay.ppt




 resultant forces.ppt


 Simple circuits.ppt


 Solar System.ppt


 sound and light.ppt


 Sound waves.ppt


 Speed and Acceleration.ppt




 Starter conductors and insulators.ppt


 Static Electricity.ppt




 The Left Hand Rule( for motors).ppt


 two source interference.ppt


 Types of Energy.ppt


 Uses of radiation.ppt






